MAET in Galway, Ireland

This summer in Galway is coming to an end. It’s quite the bittersweet experience. Part of me wants to continue on with the program and keep coming back and back every summer and part of me wants to be home and finished with the program. Michigan State has done such a wonderful job preparing me in my journey for my Master’s of Arts in Educational Technology that it is quite hard to leave. I have been able to get a good taste of the program because I did some of it on campus, some of it online, and some of it overseas. I do have to say that the overseas program was my best experience, but all my professors challenged me throughout the journey. Every year, I am mentally challenged more and more every year. This year the projects weren’t quite as large, but the professors made you really think about every little detail. This something I loved and hated. However, I’m quite pleased with what I got out of the program. The one thing that I dearly love is that the program always reignites my passion and love for teaching. Every summer I get more and more excited for the upcoming year. I would highly suggest this program to anyone who is interested in educational and technology.

Now, should I carry on my love for this program with the doctoral program?


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1 Response to MAET in Galway, Ireland

  1. I have honestly thought about this too! Glad you enjoyed Ireland!

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