MAET Year 1

545466_10151833558125632_974909305_nThe drop down menus contain the majority of the work completed for MAET Year 1. It was a hybrid class consisting of 2 weeks on campus and 4 weeks online. The year began with introducing to the class a bunch of Web 2.0 tools that teachers could use to enhance their teaching. Throughout the year, the question, “Why should we use technology and what are some of the best practices of using technology?” were readily discussed. Finally, the year ended with the Wicked Problem Project. This project asked the students to find a problem in their district and solve it using technology. I looked at the disconnect between teachers and students in terms of what the students wanted and what the teachers were giving them.  To solve this problem, I suggested that teachers utilize social media, particularly Facebook groups, to help reconnect teachers and students. At the end of the summer, I definitely fell in love with the program and I couldn’t wait for the next two years to come.


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