Ahh, I can remember signing up for this class. I was thinking to myself, “Is this really what I want to do? Don’t I know a lot about technology already?” Boy was I wrong, but I am so happy that I have continue my passion for Ed. Tech. at MSU. After coming through on the home stretch, I have realized what little I did know about educational technology. Yes, I have heard a lot about the tools we have used in class, but now how to properly use them in class while always keeping TPACK and UDL in the back of my mind.

One of the biggest growths in this class has my PLN. This is something that I had never heard of before. I suppose that I knew of the concept indirectly, but didn’t really put an educational term with it. Since being in the class, the classmates themselves have really helped me learn and develop my skills as a teacher.  There were a lot of times where I need a simple question answered and the students in the class were able to help. The teachers did an amazing job of not giving me one specific answer, rather giving me options that would best suit me. Finally, my PLN has expanded through the Web. Primarily through the use of Twitter, I have developed communication with people around the United States who have a lot of answer to common ed. tech. questions. It’s amazing to post a tweet and receive almost instant feedback from a couple different people. Most importantly, it doesn’t have to be education related. Your PLN could consist of any type of hobby that you have.

Without the help of the students, teachers, and my online family, this class would have been that much more difficult.

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